Monday, June 3, 2019
Developing a marketing strategy at Tesco
Developing a marketplaceing strategy at Tescomerchandising is to establish, maintain and enhance relationship with clients and former(a) partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved atomic number 18 met. This is achieved by mutual ex agitate and fulfilment of promises. Brassington F and Pettitt S( FT Prentice h each(prenominal),2006)Developing a marketing strategy is a very fragile process and all organizations support additional effort for it to gain customers.Customers noesis is very essential to gain them. Marketing strategy has a vital role to play in an organization. Customer relationship is very important for a craft. Customer needs should adhere to organisational objectives and this is important. In a nutshell we argon statisfying needs of customers with profit. According to the Chartered Institute of Marketing, they offer recognised qualifications and trainings and overly provide advice on marketing, their base line is SATISFYING NEEDS AND WA NTS OF CUSTOMERS AT PROFITMarketing strategy should be adhered to customer needs and wants.Customer is an essential portion of an organisation, his likes and dislikes, thoughts and wants change with time. Its very natural, that human beings change their attitude, desires after a certain time period. The strategy should respond to those changes feelingively.To capture market, companies should adopt affective techniques. Customer should know what we are doing.Monitoring and control after strategy implementation is very important.COMPANY PROFILE OF TESCOTesco PLC holds the leading position among food retailers in Great Britain, with a market packet that exceeds 15 percent. In England, Scotland, and Wales, the company runs 588 supermarkets, 257 of which are super injectsstores that sell food items in addition to a variety of other harvest-homes, including gasoline, clothing, housewares, and alcoholic bev epochges. Tesco also operates 32 stores in Northern Ireland and 77 in the Repub lic of Ireland under various brands, 43 in Hungary under the Global and Tesco names, 31 in Poland under the Savia name, and 13 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia under the Tesco brand. In Northern Ireland, the company also runs 52 Wine Barrel off-license outlets. Tesco is the largest independent gasoline retailer in Britain its 288 gas stations sell 12.5 percent of the gasoline sold in the United Kingdom. Recent company innovations involve the Clubcard loyalty card as substantially as offerings from Tesco Personal pay, which include a grocery budgeting account called Clubcard Plus, a Tesco Visa Card, and a Tesco savings account.http//www.referencefor phone mean RULES FOR A schemaVISION AND MISSIONAll companies involve their vision and mission statements which describe the organization.Some organizations have two statements. Reputed companies have one vision statement.It is a small explanation of an organizations future.What is the busi ness?Customers?How value of customer can be increased?Tesco Vision isEVERY LITTLE HELPS A LOTConceptA strategy should be customer oriented, customer companionship is essential. To know your customer, customer diversification in categories is important. They can be divided into segments according to their liking and disliking trends. A market question can be conducted to know the trends. After trend analysis, competitive advantage can be attained.According to the Chartered Institute of MarketingMarketing is the centering process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably.For select oriented customers we should make a strategy that d grosss their attention to our quality intersection points and prices. Strategy should match our strengths.After strategy formulation, customer cognisance is important. We need to develop channels to makle the customers aware of our offers.Systematic ApproachTo develop a systematic approach is hard and fragile task th en all the other marketing tasks. Its id nutshell which includes all the companies objectives and plans.(Malcolm Macdonald,2008)Sequencing and scheduling of ActivitiesOrganisational managers are responsible for executing all the marketing activities and scheduling them. The main steps to make the execution on time are1 Identify activities to be performed2 Determine the time required for activity completion3 Determine the activity sequence.4 Timing of all activities.5 Assign responsibility(O.C Ferrel,Michael D,2007)Integration of activitiesIntegration are of two typesSimpleComplexIn simple, organizations subcontract the easy activities to other countries and alimentation complicated duties to themselves. Small companies support this strategy.In complex, the companies make decisions at the headquarters.(Bradley F,2005)Resource requirementsCompanies go with diversification if they have strong assets. Such Organizations introduce themselves in markets where the resources are according to their abilities. They have more opportunities if the resources are general. (Bradley F,2005)Time ScalingTime scaling is of two types1 Production time scale2 commercial message time Scaleboth of them have various requirements according to the returnion and Marketing departments of the organization.(Suerie C,2005)Implementation and control-A plan is nonhing unless it degenerates into work.(peter drucker) Control is the mood that we catch faults in strategy.Types of control-Annual plan controlProfitability controlEfficiency controlStrategy controlSTRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING PROCESSThis Process consists of a pattern of sensible steps that are taken to arrive at a Marketing plan.The next step would be to analyze the Market.In score to analyze the market there are some dimensions which need to be covered.Growing submarketsSize of MarketsMarket offshootProfitability of Market social system of CostDistribution systemDevelopment and TrendsSuccess indicators(Mcloughlin D, A.Aker D, 2010)SETTING MARKETING OBJECTIVESThere are two factorsCustomer oriented objectivesMarket oriented objectivesBoth objectives should be designed to earn profit and gain customer.Goal setting should keep the organizations internal and external environments in centre.Only then a hard-nosed business strategy can be developed.The goals should be smart, measurable, realistic, achievable, specific and time bound.(McCorkell G,1997)http// MARKETINGA strategy is a plan that integrates an organizations major goals,policies,decisions and sequences of action into cohesive whole.(Proctor T,2000)MARKETING STRATEGYA marketing strategy should be coherent to the marketing plan. It should always be the same practically.SEGMENTATIONIn order to put in place a marketing strategy, the first step is to understand the market. Divide the market in to unalike categories. E.g. the business sector is massive market. This market can be categorized business nature. Banking fab rication is separate market. Steel industry is a separate market and similarly Textile is a separate market.The next step is to analyse, number of businesses working in each sector. Size of each business, their level of working.After doing this analysis, customer trends need to be analyse , what do they want. Then after analysing we should be understand where we have the competitive advantage. And how can we bring it to use.POSITIONINGPositioning means to make an image in the mind of the customer. His perception about us. What he thinks about us. What do we want him to think. How can we do that is part of the marketing strategy. Some businesses want to offer quality and some offer cheaper rates. This is where we want the customer class comes in. Does he fall in the higher class, middle class or lower class.MARKETING varietyAfetr segmentation, market selection and positioning the product, the next step is to make a marketing mix. Business should then evaluate its different marketin g mix strategies which include the 4 ps.According to Adcock et alThe right product, in the right place, at the right time, and at the right pricePRODUCTOrganizations should work on the product. How the customer values the product. It also depends a little on the company where it wants to draw attention.Existing products should have a different line of action on how the product should be modified.PRICEThe price aspect is critical. If customers want quality at any price. Then in the above P(Product), the company might focus on quality. If the price set is low then the customer might see it as low quality, others might favour it to meet the finances.PLACEAccessibility is the final result to gain customers. Products available to customer in his local area, then this is an advantage. Because if products are of basic or daily needs, customers have many options and will prefer the close one. Internet shopping is another plus point.PROMOTIONCustomer awareness to product is also important. Either through internet, media or print media. Until and unless the customer does not have the knowledge, we wont make any sales.TescoTesco,s way promotion are advertising, public relations, direct mail, sales promotion and personal sellinghttp// were the 4ps. For more detailed and comprehensive study, 3 more ps were includedPEOPLEAn organisation needs to make sure that its resources such as the employees are to the full trained. They should have enough product knowledge to satisfy customers.PROCESSESThe processes of the company should be efficient enough to handle customers and satisfy them according to their needs.PHYSICAL EVIDENCEThis factor refers to the companys appearance. How the employees look, the premises. These elements put an immense impression about the business in their mind.http// tools are just like the ingredients of a strategic marketing plan. If a ny one of it is not foc employ and given a detailed consideration then chances are of failure.TOOLS AND TECHNIQUESSWOT ANALYSISIf an organisation works honestly with it self, this will lead to success. A business should look in its internal and external environments. For every(prenominal) business it is important that it analyses its strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats (SWOT analysis). Then it realises where it stands. After it knows what its actual picture is, then thence strategies should take shape.A companys strength could beGood customer serviceGood offers, packagesExcellent knowledgeAccording to a report some of Tesco,s strengths areDiverse ranges of products Open 24 hours service Strong flow of cash Increasing turnover and profits Strong Balance Sheet Growing Supermarket grasp Brand Awareness Online Shoppinghttp// could be likeLack of resourcesAverage reputationAccounting system is not goodTesco,s weaknessesThere is a mind positioning of low quality -(Tesco value brands) Lack of local knowledge of customers and cultureTHREATS Competition which is strong Unpredictability in Price of raw materials Recession Shift of market to globalisation Takeover bidshttp// as a source of new marketsNew technologies can help product improvement.ThreatsNew competitor in markethttp// order to identify the Macrofactors, we useStep stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Political factorsSteeple Social, Technological, Economic, Ecological, Political factors, Legal and Ethical Fators. stamp Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Ecological factors.Now these three tools vary from organization to organization.(Blythe J, 2006)PESTLEExternal environment includes the forces outside the organisation. Its called the PEST analysis. PEST are the fa ctors that make the business wade in the external environment. But businesses have to survive.POLITICALPolitical changes also affect the business. If a new regulation is imposed like taxes, this could effect the companies cost.TESCOAfter the European Integration and agreement of free trade, the market has opened up for British Companies to invest in Eastern Europe. Tesco already has 60 Hypermarket store in Hungary.ECONOMICEconomic factors like change interest rates, exchange rates also affect the business.SOCIALSocial factors include change of lifestyle, fashion, attitudes of batch which change convey for certain product.TescoChanges in consumer demands, trends and lifestyle show both opportunities and threats for the company. Opportunities in terms of new market and consumers, however, there are added threats of developed Swedish retailers.http// has immensely changed the way businesses work now.TescoChanges in retailing sales through the Internet is now very common. Paperless operation, access through promise servers provide flexibility in the business running. Sweden is going through technological development with companies like Ericsson, Tesco would enjoy the logistic and distribution channels already in placehttp// legislation for health and safety both in terms of consumer rights and also in terms of production of have natural renewable resources for making clothesENVIRONMENTALBusinesses do not have control over these factors what they can do is reactto these changes by accordingly adjusting the SWOT environment.http// MATRIXStars?Cash cowsDogsThis tool is used by businesses to evaluate their different business units (SBU).It was developed by the Boston Consulting group. It places the different SBUs of the business in each quadrant according to t heir market grapple and reputationSTARSThese products are market leaders have good market share and growthCASH COWSThese products have high market share in low growth markets.QUESTION MARKThese have low market share in high growth markets. These products need considerable thought if they should be supported or not. They are not generating much income.DOGSThese products have low share in low growth markets. Very poor performance and should be withdrawn.(L. Kurtz D,2008)PRODUCT LIFE CYCLEIt is a model which represents the life of a product. It has 4 basic stagesINTRODUCTIONThe product is developed and introduced in the market.GROWTHThis phase of the cycle is where the product gains market share and generates income.MATURITYIn this stage the product has achieved the maximum share and is at its maturity point.DECLINEAfter achieving the maximum share the product undergoes a decline phase where it has no more demand for it self.(Saaksvuori A,Immonen A,2008)Product Life Cycle ModelPORTER S FIVE FORCES MODELThreat of new EntrantsIndustry competitorsBargaining power of Supplier Bargaining power of emptorSubstitute ThreatPorter argued the strategy is not just as series of models at the corporate level of strategy. He noted that strategy includes analyzing potential drop entrants, suppliers,buyers,substitutes, and competitors.BARGAINING POWER OF BUYERIt is the ability of the buyer to bargain. This power increases as the buyer has more options to buy from.NEW ENTRANTSThese are the new companies entering into the industry and are a threat to the existing ones.BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERIt is the ability of the suppliers to decide the price for their product and the terms.SUBSTITUTE THREATAlternate products offered by companies for a particular product are also threat to existing entities.(Michael J. Stahl, DavidW. Grigsby,1997)MARKETING STRATEGY OPTIONSAccording to Michael Porter, orgaizations can continue with three strategies,1 distinction Strategy2 Cost Leadership3 Focus StrategyDIFFERENTIATION STRATEGYThis strategy is used by an organization to make itself different from other businesses. This strategy helps the organization to burster more from customers as compared to competitors. One thing is for sure that if customers get extra value they can pay more.Rolex watches charge more for there product. They earn their reputation by the quality of metal, stainless steel. They undergo special test for quality assurance.COST LEADERSHIPThis strategy is used by companies to boost sales. They reduce their cost slightly below the cost of rivals and sell the products more.Timex has been a cost market leader for long. They make simple watches at low price for mass market.FOCUS STRATEGYOrganizations using this strategy focus at particular market or group of buyers. Organizations might make thier focus using differentiation or cost leadership strategy in that specific market.(Ricky W. G,2007)CORE COMPETENCESThese are skills used by organizations to provi de customers with extra benefits.Competences could beSpeedConsistencyAcuityAgilityInnovativeness(Hamel.G, Prahalad CK,1996)RISING EXPECTATIONSCustomer expectation has increased due to companies continuing improvement towards their product to satisfy them. Since every company competing with Tesco is giving almost comparable products so the only way to get an edge is to give something extra to surprise them. Employee training is also very important to cope with customer expectation like giving a free delivery at home.TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGETechnology is changing at a very fast rate so companies need to be good supporters or followers.Tesco can and is amend towards reducing the ques inside the stores by improving the websites so grocery orders can be taken online.COMPETITIONCompetition has increased tremendously in many industries and so many companies who were weak have fallen out, due to added factor weak economic conditions.Tesco club card scheme has really helped it to get through th e economic condition.GLOBALISATIONIn this era every business considers and makes decisions according to the international market. Now the world has developed it self to be a global village. Spread of information, media, internet many different of doing business online has raised the competition even more.(Doyle.P, Stern. P, 2006)Tesco is becoming a growing chain and is one. This chain has helped it to secure strong profits.It has and should continue to operate in other countries to gain customer bank and explore new markets.IMPLEMENTATION.Tescos functional areas areAdministrationThe administration department should keep the internal operations maintained.FinanceFinance department should take care of cash flows and also take measures to control cost with out effecting profit.MarketingMarketing department should focus on sales increase and product training for employees.Research and developmentResearch and development should maintain the standards of product quality.Information Techno logyTesco has introduced self checkout machines through which masses can pay themselves instead of waiting in ques.If the objective is to increase sales.To increase the sale, Tesco should work on its sales and marketing Department. Employee training is important. Product knowledge for employees so that customer satisfaction is guaranteed. It will help the human resource to market the product and give the customer what they need. As a result, we will sustain an increase in sales. Customer awareness is very essential.E-marketing is also an important tool in this era to make it easy for people to buy products online.It is more easy for people to do transactions online and get delivery on time.CONCLUSIONIn a nutshel, i would say that marketing should have strait-laced department in every business and it should work on an genuine plan. The rules and principles of marketing should be adhered to make the marketing plan successful. A company should also keep up with its functional areas so that the plan work smoothly.
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