Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Glasser Essay

This would be a clear departure from Freud’s lengthy approach where the counselor would interpret the client’s story or life experience. Rogers believed, using empathetic understanding and unconditional positive regard people would have the potential given the proper tools to resolve their own problems. Rogers identified accurate empathetic understanding as another critical task of therapists. Choice Theory / Reality Therapy; William Glasser, born May 11, 1925 is an American psychiatrist who developed Choice Theory / Reality Therapy in the early sixties therapies. Choice Theory is an explanation of human behaviour developed by Dr. William Glasser. Reality Therapy is the application of Choice Theory within the context of helping relationships Glasser first developed this approach to use working in schools for troubled adolescents and may explain his life-long interest in both therapy and education. In 1985 the Institute of Guidance Counsellors arranged for Dr. Glasser to visit Ireland. By 1987 the Irish branch of the William Glasser Institute was founded and now co-ordinates training throughout Ireland. Reality Therapy continues to grow all over the world today. Choice theory rests on an assumption that we are always free to choose. Comparative Analysis The reality therapist teaches the client ways to try to control the world around them and how to meet their personal needs. They believe that the client can and will change their life for the better. The reality therapist focuses on the clients actions and why they act the way they do. They point out what the client doing and in getting them to evaluate it. The belief is that the behavioral or emotional problem is a direct result of the client’s feelings about themselves. The therapist will help the client evaluate their behaviors and feelings, to challenge them to become more effective at meeting their needs. With Person-centered therapy the therapist will attempt to move the client towards self awareness, helping the client to experience previously denied feelings. They will teach the client to trust themselves and to use this trust to find their direction in life. Person Centered makes the client aware of their problems and then guides them to a means of resolve them. The therapist and client must have faith that the client can and will find direction. The therapist will try to motivate the client in fully experiencing and expressing their feelings. Person-centered therapy believes that good mental health is a balance between the ideal self.

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